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En savoir plus sur Meltwater
Les outils de relations publiques de Meltwater vous aident à surveiller les médias, à communiquer avec les bons journalistes et à mesurer l'impact de votre couverture médiatique.
It covers almost everything like hashtag analysis, Demographics analysis and word cloud analysis. Data accuracy is also quite good than others.
Sometimes it has issues with data accuracy and time zone and the last thing is that it provides a limited amount of data.
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Avis d'une consultante presse et influence
Commentaires : Meltwater est un outil de veille efficace mais a utilisé en complément d'un autre outil de veille car présente tout de même beaucoup d'inconvénients comme cités présentement. Je ne recommanderai pas seul.
Avantages :
Meltwater est une application qui retrace la plupart des parutions webs. Il est confortable d'utiliser cette application dans le cadre de sa veille journalière.
Inconvénients :
Malheureusement, selon moi, Meltwater présente beaucoup d'inconvénients et de dysfonctionnements. En effet, Meltwater ne retrace pas toutes les parutions web et aucune parution print, ce qui est très embêtant lors d'une veille. De plus, le site web me semble très difficile d'utilisation. Beaucoup de paramètres qui ne sont pas expliqués.
Utilisation quotidienne de Meltwater
Commentaires : Je l'utilise quotidiennement pour mon client et il m'est utile à chaque fois. Il me fait une pige automatique et il me reste plus que à trier et tirer les informations et les articles qui me concerne. Je passe au minimum 1h dessus par jour. C'est un des outils avec lequel je travaille le plus et qui est indispensable pour le métier de RP.
Avantages :
Je l'utilise quotidiennement pour mon client et il m'est utile à chaque fois. Il me fait une pige automatique et il me reste plus que à trier et tirer les informations et les articles qui me concerne.
Inconvénients :
Quelques oublies d'articles de temps en temps mais ça reste très rare.
Un outil de veille qui patine !
Commentaires :
La communication avec Meltwater est quasi inexistante. Le sav technique répond dans des délais de plusieurs jours. Mais le service commercial n'effectue aucun suivi de ses clients pour vérifier leur satisfaction et proposer des améliorations.
Aussi, en 2 ans d'utilisation de l'outil, nous avons eu plusieurs interlocuteurs différents !
Avantages :
Meltwater permet une saisie illimitée de mots clés de recherches vous permettant de lancer une veille sur des sujets variés : x produits, x marques, x gammes ou x entreprises. Les articles retenus peuvent être envoyés à vos collègues dans une newsletter.
Inconvénients :
Les articles non sens sont très nombreux à remonter ce qui oblige à faire du tri avant de trouver le sujet qui nous intéresse vraiment. L'utilisation de l'outil demande beaucoup de temps ! Malgré deux interventions de l'équipe technique en 2 ans, l'outil remonte toujours des articles inutiles et hors sujet. Le paramétrage des requêtes avec des fonctions booléennes exige un minium de connaissance. Une formulaire (code) aurait facilité l'expérience client. Mon entreprise a un établissement homonyme dont nous recevons des articles alors que Meltwater a effectué des paramétrages à 2 reprises pour éviter ce problème ! D'autre part, le design pourrait être amélioré avec par exemple un visuel/vignette en aperçu des articles sélectionnés pour une mise en avant dans une newsletter.

Coup de gueule contre la société Meltwater
Commentaires :
Coup de gueule contre la société Meltwater avec qui nous avons eu quelques déboires ces dernières années.
Très bon service commercial qui a réussi à nous convaincre que Meltwater était la meilleure solution… mais grosse déception pour la suite !
Lenteurs pour configurer tous les paramètres complexes, conception par leurs services de la newsletter très laborieuse, conseillers techniques qui ne parlent pas tous Français ou très mal.
Une fois tout configuré, les informations que leurs moteurs trouvent correspondent à ce qui se passe sur la toile donc ça dépend essentiellement de votre actualité.
En revanche au moment de renouveler le contrat ça se gâte, augmentation de 60%, reconduction tacite, commercial qui ne parle pas Français, etc. Des méthodes certainement contractuelles mais que je qualifie de voyous.
Je précise que la signature se passe électroniquement en ligne, sur un contrat écrit tout petit et que l'on ne peut pas imprimer avant de le signer. C'est seulement une fois signé que vous recevez le contrat avec les conditions générales de vente. Dans celles-ci il est spécifié que meltwater n'est pas tenu à des résultats, etc.
Si vous vous laissez convaincre, pensez bien à supprimer la non reconduction tacite du contrat ou à dénoncer celle-ci dès signature.
Avantages :
Sur le principe tout à l'air très bien. Bonne présentation du produit.
Inconvénients :
Il doit ^^etre configuré par un administrateur de chez Meltwater.
A éviter !
Commentaires :
Très mauvaise. Si le service commercial est très bon pour vous faire choisir leur solution, le reste l'est beaucoup moins..... Je n'ai aucune confiance dans les données de leur BdD, je dois à chaque fois vérifier que les données sont toujours bonnes.
De plus, en lisant les CGU, ils n'ont aucune obligation de résultat ni de fiabilité :
"Meltwater fournit le Site « en l’état » sans aucune garantie ou condition expresse ou tacite, de quelque nature que ce soit. Meltwater ne garantit pas un fonctionnement sans interruption, sûr ou sans erreur du Site. Meltwater ne formule aucune déclaration ou garantie quant à l’exactitude, au caractère actuel, à la qualité, à l’exhaustivité, à la pertinence ou à la fiabilité des informations ou données figurant sur le Site ou auxquelles le Site permet d’accéder."
Avantages :
Initialement, le point fort aurait du être de renforcer la qualité de la diffusion de nos communiqués de presse.
Inconvénients :
Base de données journalistes en partie obsolètes (au moins un bon tiers après avoir consulté un bon nombre de fiches). Des données affichées comme réactualisées il y a 3 mois ne sont plus bonnes depuis plusieurs années. Un service support qui se cache derrière des excuses aseptisées pour justifier cet obsolescence des données.

An essential tool for driving success on social media.
Commentaires : The ability to combine data from different channels is great and getting detailed reports has also been a big plus.
Avantages :
I really like this platform, it's easy to use and it allows me to get valuable information about the performance of my campaigns and better understand my audience.
Inconvénients :
Well the price can be quite high for some businesses or independent professionals.

The success of my digital marketing strategy.
Commentaires : My experience has been very good, this platform is very detailed and precise, and its control panel is very complete and easy to use.
Avantages :
I like the social media analytics tools that allow me to monitor the online conversations that are impacting my brand and industry.
Inconvénients :
It would be ideal to have a higher update speed to be able to make more agile decisions.

I will never recommend any Meltwater products or services
Commentaires : Overall, I will never recommend Meltwater as a product or service. Their staff aren't knowledgable and their salespeople sneak auto-renewals into their contracts to keep people on as customers. As a company no one is able to take responsibility and they don’t offer genuine support for their customers
Avantages :
Some of their employees genuinely want to help (which is what I like best) however, Meltwater as a company doesn't give them the tools to do so.
Inconvénients :
Terrible customer support: If you try calling Meltwater's customer support number often times they simply don't pick up. No ownership: One of their employees openly admitted to a high turnover rate of employees and as such, no one was willing to take responsibility for what someone who no longer worked at Meltwater had done. Search results are not accurate: I worked with three account representatives to get accurate results about my company and they never fully worked out. They both missed several key results (the whole purpose of using this service was so I didn't have to dig to find them) and they also brought in incorrect results. Mediate database is out of date: I used their media database several times and it was always difficult to use plus there wasn't updated contact information for reporters. I had better luck looking for emails and phone numbers myself. !!They sneak auto-renewals into contracts and do not notify you!! Even if you tell them you are not planning on renewing it has to be in written form or else they will force you into another year. I no longer trust this team or company to care for their customers.

Simplest listening and Monitoring tool i ever used
Commentaires : When I was a fresher I first used Sysmos and it helps me in understanding basics about listening and monitoring, It is very easy to use and query formation in Sysomos is very simple. One thing which i like about it is that its data tagging accuracy is far better than other tools
Avantages :
First of all, it is very simple to use, user-friendly and quite good for small and medium companies. Data mining is very simple in it and one can extract data very easily. It covers almost everything like hashtag analysis, Demographics analysis and word cloud analysis. Data accuracy is also quite good than others. Data extracted from Sysomos has multilayer topics, it provides much information. In short, it is a very important tool for a newbie, it will help in understanding the basics of listening and monitoring
Inconvénients :
there was a time when it used to extract data from many sources but now it only provides a chunk from twitter. Sometimes it has issues with data accuracy and time zone and the last thing is that it provides a limited amount of data.

best monitoring media software
Commentaires : best tool for monitoring media outlets in latin america!
Avantages :
sysomos is a great combination of automated software that look into media outlets news in digital and keep a look into social media. Also, they have a robust database of latin america. Before wans't so great but they keep updating it. Now, it is hard to find adicional news outside sysomos.
Inconvénients :
i have problems sharing my monitors and querys with other users and customer suppport couldn't help me. Also time to timee they have a breach or something working wrong and you dont receive and alert by email and they are very slow to solve it. I have issues in the past with my clients because of this.

A Product in Development
Commentaires : Meltwater is providing excellent support and their media data and reporting seems to be very reliable. We have been able to use it to make some very productive media in-roads. The software seems to be underdeveloped but hopefully they will continue to add the features needed to make it a mainstream offering.
Avantages :
Meltwater is easy to use and their employees pay a lot of attention to you as a client. Especially in the set-up stages, they are very attentive and schedule their follow-up effectively. The basic tools are adequate and their data seems to be reliable.
Inconvénients :
The platform for Meltwater seems to be very immature in terms of its development. It can send newsletters but you get almost NO functionality on analytics or member tracking. Like all other SaaS companies, everything is an add-on and it is not always easy to determine what you get for the price you are being quotes. The software simply feels rudimentary in design and immature in implementation.

Robust Social Media Monitoring at a Price
Commentaires : We tend to use Meltwater in times of social media crises — and it cuts down on manual data compilation and creates easy-to-understand reports for all stakeholders.
Avantages :
Robust social monitoring capabilities, easy to set up, really great customer support, easily customizable, and easy to export reports.
Inconvénients :
It's pricey, but with social media monitoring that is to be expected. In this realm, you get what you pay for, and Meltwater is worth the price because it just pulls in way more intel than any other solution available.

Great Spreading the Word
Commentaires : Overall, Meltwater has been an easy tool to use to distribute information and also see the analytics of how it's being received, opened, clicked, etc. We also use the tool to create a Daily Digest of hits that mention our business in the media or on Twitter.
Avantages :
This software is completely user friendly. It is easy to upload press releases and sent to various distribution lists.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes there are glitches or issues where if there is a lot of traffic happening via Meltwater which makes your particular information experience a delay. Usually, Meltwater staff are able to identify log jams pretty quickly.

Meltwater does the trick
Commentaires : We continue to renew our contract with Meltwater, because, compared to competitors, the service is financially feasible. The interface upgrades have also kept us happy. Overall, Meltwater helps us distribute news effectively and that's exactly what its supposed to do.
Avantages :
Meltwater has made A LOT of improvements to their user interface recently. Building lists has gotten a lot eaiser and quicker. I'm able to quickly scan and select thousands of contacts.
Inconvénients :
Meltwater's customer service leaves something to desire. In the four years that I've used the platform, my service rep has changed at least a half-dozen times. Each new person wants to connect to see how things are going, but most of the time they just try to sell us on something new. They are not concerned with understanding our business.

Easy Contact Lists
Commentaires : Great option for press release distribution. I like being able to create targeted media lists and scheduling releases.
Avantages :
I like how easy it is to gather lists of relevant media in my area and field. Depending on who I want to target I am able to modify a list and make sure my release and information is reaching the right group of people.
Inconvénients :
My only cons come from the other side of the software. I receive a fair number of releases that aren't relevant to what I cover. It isn't a software error, it is user error with people not knowing how to create their lists.
Excellent customer support
Commentaires : Overall our marketing communications team loves Meltwater. It took a while to set up our account, but once that's done, it is extremely easy to pull analytics for our Board of Directors.
Avantages :
The best part about Meltwater is how easy/user-friendly it is compared to our previous product (Cision), and our account rep is FANTASTIC. We had a terrible experience with switching reps at Cision and it was extremely clunky and took literal hours to pull metrics, but Meltwater has blown us away with how seamless it is.
Inconvénients :
I will say the media database is not as robust as Cision. It is clear where each company focuses. As a medical non-profit, we work with very niche publications, and many of them were not in Meltwater (or had staff missing) and had to be uploaded manually, which means you are in charge of knowing when the reporter changes companies.
Best Option in the Market
Commentaires : With nearly 10 years working in PR, I have had experience with Cision, Vocus, and Meltwater. There is no question that I will continue to use Meltwater in my career because it is most powerful, in my opinion. I also think that their PR distribution (which is integrated into the platform) is better than what the other players have to offer.
Avantages :
I use Meltwater primarily for its media database and PR distribution. The media data seems to be pretty well updated and when I request changes/additions, they are made very quickly.
Inconvénients :
As they have updated the software, I lost some of the key features that added value to how I use it. I wish you could filter search results better, gain better snapshots of individual outreach performance from the overall list, and create news searches based on specific media lists, to name a few. Also, beware of their contract because there is an autorenewal clause no matter if your account rep has reached out to you beforehand or not. Make a note on your calendar ahead of time so that charge doesnt come as a surprise or ask them to remove it from your contract.
Meltwater is a Capable Social Monitoring Tool!
Commentaires : We primarily use Meltwater as a social media monitoring tool. We're a global organization, so it can be difficult to have a full picture of how our business is being referenced across the world. But Meltwater solves that problem!
Avantages :
Meltwater is very useful in being able to monitor what is being said about our company on a global scale on social media. I get an email every morning that shows me exactly who is saying what and on which platform. It links out to these references as well! From here I can take action and ensure that I'm staying ahead of any negative - and positive - remarks.
Inconvénients :
Meltwater's platform can be a bit tricky to learn. It's not a very simple platform - though it's relatively drag-and-drop, but you have to be uber-aware of how to put together the lists you need so everything will be monitored correctly. That's where the Account Managers come into play. So, on the whole, if you don't have a lot of time to learn the platform. I have no doubt it's easy once you get the hang of it, but I don't have that luxury!
High level and getting better
Avantages :
Meltwater is aquiring a lot of new companies which is giving their platform more functionality every day. It is not perfect when it comes to social platform API's and I tend to not trust the numbers but it is improving.
Inconvénients :
I tend to find a lot of errors within my social media reporting. My account rep has said its due to the restrictive api's of the social platforms which I understand. However, it makes social scheduling difficult as I have to use multiple platforms to schedule posts.
Customer team is nice, but tool didn't meet our needs
Commentaires : Meltwater is an easy tool to present to a team that doesn't have media monitoring experience. However, when you have a team moving at a fast pace that needs a reliable tool, this doesn't quite meet the mark. There was a lot of extra work our team had to do that the tool should have been able to.
Avantages :
The integration of media database and monitoring was a plus.
Inconvénients :
The platform interface was difficult to interact with. The data was often lacking, both because of the publications missing from the tool as well as the way metrics were presented.
Meltwater = Too Expensive For Small Business, Good For Larger Operations
Commentaires : Overall, the algorithm changes on Instagram took away our use for discovering leads efficiently with the listening tool. The cost was no longer sustainable once it was not bringing in any additional revenue. It is a powerful tool, with great customer service, but I believe it is a little too pricey for smaller businesses.
Avantages :
I liked how robust the listening side of the software was. You could really dive into the results and pick up conversations that were happening around your brand that you otherwise would not have been able to see.
Inconvénients :
What I liked least about this software was that their social inbox was just Sprout Social. I was living within the engagement side of the software and saw little additional value. For those focusing solely on social listening, I recommend looking only at the component.
Keep tabs on your company online.
Commentaires : Meltwater has given me the ability to monitor what is being said about my company in one place.
Avantages :
It provides a very useful spread of information regarding everything that is being said about your company.
Inconvénients :
Not all packages are necessary and they will try to up-sell you. Granted that's just another part of business.
Great for social listening
Commentaires : Overall, this is a great tool for a PR and social media person to share and inform their work. Instead of doing a lot of manual searches online and on social media, you can get daily mentions in one simple email digest. It's a big time-saver.
Avantages :
I primarily use this software to keep an eye on the brand in the media for social media purposes. I like that I get a daily digest every morning at 9:30 am that helps me identify opportunities to engage with online users during the day.
Inconvénients :
The user experience design could use some improvement.
Meltwater makes media relations and PR easier
Commentaires : Meltwater really helps with media relations. It helps you target the right journalists for your news. If you do media outreach, you really need Meltwater.
Avantages :
What you can do with Meltwater you can't do with Cision. It's much easier to use and allows you to see who viewed your pitch so you can decide how to follow up. It makes media relations less of a thankless chore by helping you decide where to focus your efforts.
Inconvénients :
It's a little confusing to use. Once you have a tutorial, it's easier, of course, but I wouldn't say it's intuitive.
Social Listening made Easy and Fun
Commentaires : As a strategist in an international marketing and advertising agency, Sysomos was a crucial tool to gauge and extract information from social platforms and update our clients and also use the gathered insights for our campaigns. It is recommended as it gives an integrated platform to get social analytics and create actionable customer engagement opportunities.
Avantages :
Sysomos is a comprehensive software that gives a complete overview to get insights from social listening. it also has features that enable visualising data in diagrams and charts to get more information from the data.
Inconvénients :
Sometimes it can get confusing as the format and layout might get a little cluttered and not so easy to use.