18 ans à aider les entreprises canadiennes
à choisir le meilleur logiciel

Description de QT9 QMS

Logiciel de gestion de la qualité FDA, ISO 9001, AS9100, SQF, ISO 17025 et ISO 13485 disponible en version autonome ou progiciel. Une solution web pouvant être achetée et installée sur votre serveur ou hébergée par l'éditeur. Gérez l'ensemble de votre système de gestion de la qualité : contrôle des documents, actions correctives, produits non conformes, formations, ECR/ECN, inspections, gestion des audits, gestion de projets, plaintes des clients, qualité des fournisseurs, étalonnage et plus encore à l'aide d'une application conviviale et conforme à la réglementation 21 CFR Part 11 pour les signatures électroniques.

Qui utilise QT9 QMS?

Toute organisation surveillant les conformités réglementaires (p. ex. ISO 9001, ISO 13485, AS9100, conformité à la FDA, etc.) ou toute organisation cherchant à gérer son système qualité de manière digitale à l'aide d'une interface conviviale.

Où peut se déployer QT9 QMS?

Basé sur le nuage
Sur site

À propos du vendeur

  • QT9 Software
  • Situé à Aurora, É.-U.
  • Fondé en 2005

Assistance QT9 QMS

  • Support téléphonique
  • Chat/Clavardage

Pays disponibles

Afrique du Sud, Albanie, Allemagne, Andorre, Argentine et 47 autres



QT9 QMS - Prix

À partir de :

1 700,00 $ US/année
  • Oui, essai gratuit disponible
  • Non, pas de version gratuite

QT9 QMS n'est pas disponible en version gratuite mais propose un essai gratuit. La version payante de QT9 QMS est disponible à partir de 1 700,00 $ US/année.

Tarification et forfaits obtenez un essai gratuit

À propos du vendeur

  • QT9 Software
  • Situé à Aurora, É.-U.
  • Fondé en 2005

Assistance QT9 QMS

  • Support téléphonique
  • Chat/Clavardage

Pays disponibles

Afrique du Sud, Albanie, Allemagne, Andorre, Argentine et 47 autres



QT9 QMS en vidéos et en images

QT9 QMS Logiciel - 1
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 2
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 3
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 4
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 5
En voir 6 de plus
Vidéo de QT9 QMS
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 1
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 2
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 3
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 4
QT9 QMS Logiciel - 5

Fonctionnalités - QT9 QMS

  • Accès mobile
  • Alertes/Notifications
  • Alerts/Escalation
  • Analyse des causes profondes
  • Aperçu de Gantt/du calendrier
  • Apprentissage asynchrone
  • Apprentissage mixte
  • Apprentissage mobile
  • Apprentissage synchrone
  • Archivage et rétention
  • Base de données de clients
  • Certification et licences
  • Classification des documents
  • Codage et contrôle de documents
  • Comparaison des versions
  • Compte rendu et suivi de projet
  • Contrôle de qualité
  • Contrôle du processus d'approbation
  • Contrôles/Permissions d'accès
  • Conversion de fichier
  • Création de cours intégrée
  • Document Check-in/Check-out
  • Définition des priorités
  • Emplacements multiples
  • Facturation
  • Gestion d'entrepôt
  • Gestion de la chaîne logistique
  • Gestion de la conformité
  • Gestion de la formation
  • Gestion de la maintenance
  • Gestion de versions
  • Gestion des affectations
  • Gestion des arrêtés municipaux
  • Gestion des audits
  • Gestion des bons de commande
  • Gestion des calendriers
  • Gestion des changements
  • Gestion des commentaires
  • Gestion des contrôles internes
  • Gestion des documents
  • Gestion des expéditions
  • Gestion des flux de travail
  • Gestion des formulaires
  • Gestion des fournisseurs
  • Gestion des incidents
  • Gestion des inspections
  • Gestion des instruments
  • Gestion des ordres de travail
  • Gestion des plaintes
  • Gestion des portefeuilles
  • Gestion des problèmes
  • Gestion des ressources
  • Gestion des risques
  • Gestion des risques liés à l'informatique
  • Gestion des réponses
  • Gestion des stocks
  • Gestion des stratégies
  • Gestion des techniciens
  • Gestion des tâches
  • Gestion des équipements
  • Gestion des étalonnages
  • Gestion des évaluations
  • Gestion du budget
  • Gestion financière
  • Historique des révisions
  • Historique des services
  • Impression de certificat et d'étiquette
  • Logiciels d'actions préventives et correctives
  • Maintenance prédictive
  • Maintenance préventive
  • Modèles personnalisables
  • Monitoring
  • Notation des risques
  • Notes et commentaires
  • Outils de collaboration
  • Parcours et suivi d'apprentissage
  • Partage des fichiers
  • Piste d'audit
  • Planification
  • Planification d'audit
  • Planification d'étalonnage
  • Planification de la maintenance
  • Planification de la production
  • Planification et programmation de projets
  • Portail des apprenants
  • Rappels
  • Rapports d'incidents
  • Rapports et analyses
  • Rapports et statistiques
  • Real-Time Data
  • Recherche en texte intégral
  • Recherche/Filtre
  • Retour à la version précédente
  • Risk Analysis
  • Saisie de documents
  • Scan et analyse d'image
  • Signature électronique
  • Stockage de documents
  • Sub-Task Management
  • Suivi de la conformité
  • Suivi des garanties
  • Suivi des interactions
  • Suivi des non-conformités
  • Suivi des problèmes
  • Suivi des projets
  • Suivi des équipements
  • Suivi des étapes
  • Suivi du temps
  • Suivi du temps et des dépenses
  • Tableau de bord
  • Tableau de bord d'activités
  • Task Editing
  • Tenue des dossiers OSHA
  • Tests et évaluations
  • Third-Party Integrations
  • Évaluation des risques

Alternatives à QT9 QMS

Le système eQMS de Guru Greenlight permet aux entreprises de mettre sur le marché, rapidement et en toute sécurité, des dispositifs médicaux de haute qualité, réduisant ainsi les risques et les coûts. En savoir plus sur Greenlight Guru
QMS avec méthodologies de qualité intégrées et un flux de travail utilisateur avancé qui élimine les saisies de formulaires manuelles et de données redondantes.
La suite logicielle de gestion de la qualité SBS comprend cinq modules qui améliorent considérablement l'efficacité de votre QMS (Quality Management System). En savoir plus sur SBS Quality Database
Intellect propose un logiciel de QMS basé sur une plateforme de conformité sans code facile à utiliser, rapide à mettre en œuvre et hautement flexible.
Ce logiciel propose une fonctionnalité d'enregistrement de la production conforme et entièrement informatisée, réduisant ainsi les délais de création, de révision et d'approbation des documents. En savoir plus sur MasterControl Manufacturing Excellence
Logiciel cloud conçu pour les PME qui recherchent un moyen plus simple de gérer leur système de gestion de QHSE (la qualité, l'hygiène, la santé et l'environnement).
QMS de bout en bout pour garantir l'efficacité et la conformité, adapté aux sciences de la vie et aux industries réglementées.
Depuis 1992, plus de 1,6 million d'utilisateurs l'ont adopté dans le monde entier. Gérez des documents, audits, formations, NCR et CAPA, conformité ISO 9001 et plus.
Cette solution de gestion des ordres de travail organise les demandes de service, planifie les tâches récurrentes et suit les ressources, le temps et les matériaux tout en fournissant des rapports. En savoir plus sur eWorkOrders CMMS

Avis sur QT9 QMS

Note moyenne

Note globale
Simplicité d’utilisation
Service client
Rapport qualité-prix

Avis classés par taille de l'entreprise (nombre d'employés)

  • <50
  • 51-200
  • 201-1 000
  • >1 001

Trouver les avis classés par note

QA Document Speacialist (É.-U.)
Utilisateur LinkedIn vérifié
Production alimentaire, 201–500 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

Highly customizable and efficient eQMS

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : QT9 is a very solid and dense software that can be tailored to the needs of any business. User access and admin controls are very deep and easy to use. The module and workflows are plentiful, and while they can be intimidating to implement, once you dig in a really understand what the software features can do, the reward is high as the software is able to create and track so much.

Avantages :

The ability to creature user defined fields that could be tailored specifically to the record of document that was being created in the system was extremely useful when transitioning from established Quality processes from our previous paper-based QMS to this electronic software.

Inconvénients :

Implementation was a bit of a challenge. While we did have support from the developer and implementation team, the training seminars available were not nearly as helpful as simply diving into the sandbox environment and see what the system could actually do.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

l’année dernière

Dexter - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear you have been able to tailor the platform to meet your needs. I will pass the feedback onto our team on the training seminars.

Quality and Warranty Coordinator (É.-U.)
Génie mécanique ou industriel, 501–1 000 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

QT9 Review.

5,0 il y a 4 mois

Commentaires : My experience with your product has been positive. I appreciate its features and functionality.

Avantages :

Overall, I really like your product. Filtering information, and generating reports is simple.

Inconvénients :

I’ve noticed that the system can be slow at times. Additionally, it would be helpful if we were notified in advance about any fields that are going to be removed.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Nicole - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear you like the filtering capabilities. Your speed issue could be caused by a handful of factors. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer success team to test some solutions. Please reach out us if we can help with anything.

Dir of Compliance (É.-U.)
Aviation et industrie aéronautique, 201–500 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

Limited Flexability

3,0 il y a 5 ans

Commentaires : To be honest we do not use all the modules within QT9 but the ones we do use allow us to get by and pass our QMS audits, but for the power user like myself that wants to extract detailed performance data you’ll have to extract the data and pull it into excel and manipulate it to get metrics you need.
What you see is what you get, no customizing nothing. No overdue notifications or escalation process built in.

Avantages :

Ease of rolling out the product. Built in forms are helpful for a beginner. There are some features if you dig into the settings that allow you minor custom uses. The Calibration and Prevenative Maintenance Modules are promising and somewhat helpful. The document control module has worked well for us.

Inconvénients :

1. the biggest disappointment - No customability of modules and forms. Lots of tabs on the nonconforming product and corrective action forms and you cannot get rid of the tabs you do not need, You cannot even hide the tabs. Absolutely no customization to tailor to your organization. 2. No email reminders if you have overdue actions pending, you’ll have to look at the database daily. 3. No filtering of overdue items in perato analysis. You can filter: Open Items, Closed, Rejected, Submitted and deleted but nothing to tell you if an item is past due. No email notifications if an item goes past due. You can only disply the entire reports that are overdue. 4. Ad Hoc Reports are Lackluster for reporting performance data analysis (Perato Analysis, Bar Graphs, Line Graphs etc) Nothing here to help you determine how effective or ineffective your QMS is. 5. If you have more than one process approver (Risk, CA’s, NC’s etc) and one of them approves the action the other approvers cannot go back and make changes. Your locked out. I had myself and one other person approving a risk and the other approver approved the risk and I could not make any changes. I had to delete the entire risk action and start over. 6. Only exports to CSV files not Excel .xlsx extensions 7. Internal audit module - build a schedule only. No prefilled forms to use, no form development capabilities.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 5 ans

Hi Nacaro As soon as we saw the review, we had our team personally reach out to you. 1. Customizability: Unlimited custom fields are quick and easy to setup. Tabs cannot be hidden it is like an economy car vs a luxury car. The features are included. 2. Emails: QT9 automatically sends email reminders and overdue notifications to the responsible parties and/or administrators. 3. Filtering: Each individual user can customize their dashboard grids for each module to filter and display the content you want to see. It sounds like you have the "Status" column hidden. 4. Ad Hoc Reports: We include customizable filters for all canned reports and a customer report generator to create any report you could need for measurement. 5. Approvers: Simply change your settings to require 2 or more approvers. 6. Exports: We export to a universal CSV that can be easily be opened in Excel & other programs. 7. Audit Module: During implementation you build an electronic form and you attach related files.

Quality Engineer (É.-U.)
Appareils médicaux, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

QT9 QMS- Review

5,0 il y a 5 mois

Avantages :

Everything you need for your QMS all in one package. Easy to use. Awesome customer service and support.

Inconvénients :

There is nothing I do not like about QT9.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Nick - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear you like everything in one package along with QT9's customer service and support. Thanks again!

Production manager (É.-U.)
Compagnies aériennes/Aéronautique, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

QT9 review

4,0 il y a 4 mois

Commentaires : Ok, once I figured out how it all works

Avantages :

Organization of all my docs, in one place

Inconvénients :

The learning phase, I didn’t have the time to play around with it before I had to use it. That’s more of a training issue here.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Kenneth - Thank you for reviewing QT9 QMS. We are very sorry to hear you have not had a positive experience. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support and training teams. They are available to help make the learning phase easier. Feel free to schedule a 1:1 meeting with them. We want to make it easy for you and your team to use QT9 QMS.

VP of Supply Chain (É.-U.)
Santé, bien-être et fitness, 201–500 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

Excellent QMS

5,0 il y a 4 mois

Avantages :

QT9 as a QMS has helped to digitize many processes that would otherwise have been handled through paper documentation. This gives greater control and traceability and is especially helpful during regulatory Audits allowing us to show that we have processes in control.

Inconvénients :

The inability to communicate with other data systems.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Devin - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

Quality Assurance (É.-U.)
Compagnies aériennes/Aéronautique, 201–500 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

All-in-one QMS!

5,0 il y a 4 mois

Commentaires : Overall experience is quite positive. Much of the information I need in in one place.

Avantages :

I like the all-in-one functionality of QT9.

Inconvénients :

Like all programs there is a learning curve if you want to make the best use of the capabilities. But even with that, there is ample customer support and training available.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Oran - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS. It is great to hear you like the functionality and have had a positive experience. We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

Quality Assurance (É.-U.)
Génie mécanique ou industriel, 201–500 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

QA/Certifying Agency Specialist

5,0 il y a 4 mois

Commentaires : The system is great. Runs a little slow sometimes, but in all it is great

Avantages :

Storage and reminders of documents has been beneficial.

Inconvénients :

A little more flexibility with creating own fields would be great.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Jesse - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

VP Operations Heating Steam (É.-U.)
Machines, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

VP Operations Heating/Steam Divisions

5,0 il y a 4 mois

Commentaires : My experience has been fantastic! I love QT9!!

Avantages :

It's a one stop shop! All of my QMS documents and processes are in one place

Inconvénients :

Could be a little more flexible with the way you can adjust for each style of business

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Jeffrey - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We are happy to hear you are able to use QT9 QMS as a one stop shop. We appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience.

Training Coordinator (É.-U.)
Compagnies aériennes/Aéronautique, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

One stop shop!

5,0 il y a 4 mois

Commentaires : It is a one stop shop for managing a tracking audits and training.

Avantages :

Ease of implementation. Customer support and available training.

Inconvénients :

Timeouts. It does not autosave progression lengthy audit tasks.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 mois

Glorian - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We are happy to hear that implementation was easy, and you have had a positive experience with our customer support and training teams. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do. Thanks again.

Quality Manager (É.-U.)
Génie mécanique ou industriel, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 1 à 5 mois
Source de l'avis

QT9 Software Implementation

5,0 il y a 2 mois

Commentaires : [sensitive content hidden] has been with us every step of the way, giving great instructions for implementation, and allowing us to hit our timeline goals!

Avantages :

The functionality of each module with all of the designation settings behind the scenes is really awesome!

Inconvénients :

Data Sync is a little complicated, but once working, is a great tool.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

le mois dernier

Angie - Thank you for the 5-Star review of QT9 QMS! We are happy to hear you like the functionality of all the modules included. Feel free to reach out to our team if you need help with anything. Thanks.

React Developer (Bulgarie)
Logiciels, Travailleur autonome
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Work smarter with QT9 QMS

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : I am pleased with the product and I use it in my work.

Avantages :

There is an option to customize the system to your unique needs and it can accommodate organizations of all sizes. It is also super user-friendly.

Inconvénients :

The initial setup might be a bit daunting.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 2 ans

Kristian - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We appreciate you sharing your experience with our team.

Quality Systems Manager (É.-U.)
Appareils médicaux, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

QT9 pleasantly surprised with ease of this ERP system

5,0 il y a 4 ans

Commentaires : Overall I have to say the training module is by far my favorite. Going from paper in a folder and getting everyone trained and signed off and then having to scan training to files was very time consuming. Now with a few clicks of the mouse training is sent to those who need it with the documents attached, they sign electronically and training records are created in the system. Fast and easy.

Avantages :

This software is very user friendly and easy to use. The help feature and QT9 academy are very easy to follow instructions for anything you are working on in the system. It is very easy to use the , modules and being able to be paperless is awesome especially in the medical device area. Set up for users is extremely fast an simple. Getting reports is fast and accurate.

Inconvénients :

Honestly I find all the pop ups every time you do a function a bit overkill, especially if you are doing a lot of entering of new documents. It would be nice if they could shut off this feature. I do wish there was an automatic email alert that when to users a email when they are overdue on training, or a CAR element.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 ans

Denise - Thank you for the awesome review! It is awesome to hear from happy QT9 customers. We look forward to working with you and your team more in the future.

Quality Assurance Manager (É.-U.)
Défense et aérospatiale, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

Positive Feedback

5,0 il y a 4 ans

Commentaires : We have been using QT9 for 8 years. It is a great tool for Quality. It is organized, professional and easy to use. QT9 helps tremendously with 3rd party audits. Audits go much faster and smoother with rapid record retrieval.

Avantages :

QT9 is a force multiplier. It alleviates a huge administrative burden on our quality system.

Inconvénients :

permission control could be improved to allow view only of all quality records.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 3 ans

Jason - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear about your positive experience for over 8 years. That is awesome! Keep us posted if there is ever anything else we can help with. Thank you!

QMS Engineer (É.-U.)
Télécommunications, 501–1 000 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

Great tool for an effective QMS

5,0 il y a 2 ans

Commentaires : Overall a great experience. QT9 provides great customer services and easy to use modules.

Avantages :

Very user friendly. Several modules link together to make work flow seamless. Customer support is great and always available to help. Most modules have some level of customizable options to fit the needs of various companies and industries. Easy implementation.

Inconvénients :

There are a few minor nuances with some modules. However, these can very easily be worked with and do not impact the overall ease of use. Some modules over more degrees of customization than others.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 2 ans

Caylin - Thank you for the 5-star review! It is always great to hear from happy customers. We are happy to hear you find QT9 QMS to be user-friendly. Please reach out to us if there is anything we can do. Thanks again.

Compliance Manager (É.-U.)
Production alimentaire, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Complete & Easy to Use QMS System - Great Customer Care

5,0 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires : I have been involved in choosing, implementing and using other Quality Management Systems and this has been by far the best experience.

Avantages :

This system has made documentation management of training records to rev controlled SOP's a breeze. The Supplier portal is a great feature. They provide solid training and are very responsive when you have questions.

Inconvénients :

It would be nice if it had additional features that apply to Food Manufacturing. It could use an upgraded look and easily customizable reports.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 3 ans

Mary - Thank you for the 5-Star review! We are happy to hear about your positive experience with the QT9 Customer Care team. Please reach out us if we can help with anything.

Quality Control Engineer (É.-U.)
Génie mécanique ou industriel, 201–500 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

Great management tool

5,0 il y a 4 ans

Avantages :

We love the document portal and it's ability to share and collaborate on documents. It has kept our records organized and has brought a level of consistency that was hard to achieve with more manual processes. We also love the support!

Inconvénients :

Integrating some aspects of our business into QT9 has been difficult only because our systems were not consistent. There are some features that might just not fit entirely and we sometimes wish there were a few more custom options. But it is also easy to understand why it requires a standard.

Alternatives envisagées : Mango

Pourquoi passer à QT9 QMS : Price and options

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 ans

Hi Danielle - Thank you very much for the positive review! We are happy to hear you have had a good experience with QT9. Please feel free to reach out to our training team if you need help with any other integrations. We are happy to help!

Director of Quality & Regulatory (É.-U.)
Produits chimiques, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus de deux ans
Source de l'avis

Great for companies of any size!

5,0 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires : This is the second organization that I've worked for that has used QT9. It's been great at both places, and I look forward to exposing other companies to this software.

Avantages :

QT9 is highly scalable. It's easy to add more users, more documents, or more site if necessary.

Inconvénients :

As with any software, there is a bit of a learning curve. However, the customer support is great.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 3 ans

Tiff - Thank you for the 5-Star review! That is great to hear that you like the scalability. Please let us know if we can help you with training or anything else.

Quality Engineer (É.-U.)
Exploitation minière et métaux, 1 001–5 000 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis
Source : SoftwareAdvice

QT9 - All Quality Management Systems in one place

5,0 il y a 6 ans

Commentaires : Our biggest problem with the legacy programs were solved by using QT9, by having control over all requirements of our quality system registrar. All users (123 people) have been polled with a 98% positive response.

Avantages :

I like most that our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management systems are now in one (software) place. We no longer need to create and store our documentation, audits, suppliers, inspections, change control, risk assessment , calibration, projects, management review, corrective actions in multiple locations and formats.

Inconvénients :

Query / search features are limited and not made to be used intuitively.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 5 ans

Tim - Thank you for your follow-up review of the QT9 QMS. It is great to hear you are able to integrate so many of your processes into one central place! Just let us know if we can help you or your team centralize information from any other processes. Thanks again.

Quality and Test Engineering Manager (É.-U.)
Fabrication électrique/électronique, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

QT9 a great system to organize all your quality needs

5,0 il y a 3 ans

Commentaires : I have been very pleased and I am only using half of all the features at this time.

Avantages :

I like the fact that it has so many modules. Of course I like the documentation function necessary for any QMS, but the training module also included with the calibration and PM module and customer and supplier information integrated in really increases the versatility of this product. It has all the pieces to mange the QMS like corrective actions, non-conformances and notifications when something slips through the cracks and is late.

Inconvénients :

Some things are architected differently than I was used to so I had to learn a new way to enter for example internal audit information.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 3 ans

Garry - Thank you for the awesome review of QT9 QMS.

General Manager
Matières plastiques, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis
Source : SoftwareAdvice

QT9 all the modules, tons of training and service

5,0 il y a 8 ans

Commentaires : We are a tiny manufacturing company. Recent audits for a large and valuable customer have driven the need to develop our Quality Management System. QT9 was the only reasonably priced option that didn't make me pick upfront which handful of modules I might need. I still haven't started using everything QT9 has to offer but my CAPA and Customer Feedback programs are robust and well documented. The automatic emails to designated "Responsible Parties" seemed to really please my last auditor. I even use it for my Safety Incidents/Investigations.

Avantages :

You get all the modules that are available at the time of purchase, plus your software gets upgraded to include future awesomeness as they develop it. It's pretty intuitive, but what it lacks there, it makes up for in the abundant training and help options. The staff is very hands on and knows the product intimately. The launch process was relatively easy and well handled. A sandbox site allows you to work out how you'll implement the system before cluttering it up with your first attempts. All that and relatively inexpensive.

Inconvénients :

Not all the modules may be a perfect fit for how you'll use the software. You may have to be creative or maintain some documentation outside the software.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 5 ans

Lisa - Thank you for your review of the QT9 QMS. We are happy to hear you have had a positive experience and like all the modules included! Please feel free to reach out to us on training for the other modules.

Process Engineer (É.-U.)
Semi-conducteurs, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : plus d'un an
Source de l'avis

QMS software that functions well

5,0 il y a 4 ans

Avantages :

Streamline process for creating ECRs and Doc control is great. This software makes approvals and interaction easier.

Inconvénients :

It would be an improvement if the software could link to our ERP system. QT9 is limited by the program QT Link. The audit module is good but a bit cumbersome.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 4 ans

Marie - Thank you for the positive review. We are happy to hear QT9 QMS streamlines your ECR's and Document Control processes. We will be adding more ERP integrations in the years ahead. Please feel free to send us your ideas about the Audit Module via a support ticket in QT9 QMS. We look forward to helping your quality processes operate as efficiently as possible.

Quality Manager (É.-U.)
Exploitation minière et métaux, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

As Advertised

5,0 il y a 3 ans

Avantages :

Easy to Implement, very responsive, demo is accurate to the software capabilities, great training and support

Inconvénients :

There are so many modules in the product that its 's hard to choose what to implement first.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 3 ans

Todd - Thank you for the positive review! It is always great to hear from customers enjoying the QT9 QMS.

Quality Manager (É.-U.)
Aviation et industrie aéronautique, 11–50 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

A good software to transition from a paper based or manual system.

4,0 il y a 3 ans

Avantages :

QT9 is straight forward and easy to use.

Inconvénients :

Hard to say at this point, but if I had to it would the be the inability to know the status of emails sent out through the software. We are not able to tell if the message was delivered to the recipient.

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 3 ans

Donald - Thank you for the review. We are glad to hear you have found the software easy to use and the support good. Hopefully are team can help you with improving the overall quality and the email status.

Quality Engineer (É.-U.)
Biotechnologie, 51–200 employés
Temps d'utilisation du logiciel : 6 à 12 mois
Source de l'avis

QT9 review

2,0 il y a 2 ans

Avantages :

It houses documents and information well and has a good storage system. It also allows for multiple functions of qms to be tracked in one place

Inconvénients :

The change control process is clunky and difficult to manage

Réponse de l'équipe de QT9 Software

il y a 2 ans

Jason – Thank you for taking the time to leave a review. We value customer feedback, and we aim for positive experiences! Please reach out to your QT9 contact and/or email me at [email protected], so we can learn more about your feedback. We are always looking for ways to improve our solutions. QT9 QMS includes 23+ connected modules, and we include unlimited customer training. We try to make using the solution easy for any organization, and we offer multiple options on getting customers the training and support they want.